Asian Open Pediatric Science Journal Vol. 1, No. 1, January 2015 Table of Contents Articles Traditional Practice in Ikwerreland that Putatively Enhances the Growth and Healthy Development of Infants. Author: Kemka H.Ogbonda Pages: 1-5 Abstract In this study, water in which Rhynchophorus phoenicis larva was immersed was analysed for the presence of certain mineral elements (Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn) considered essential for the healthy growth and development of infants. Between 3-6 of the insect larva were immersed in distilled water in plastic plates. After 4 days, the water was analysed for the minerals using an Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). Aside Cu, all the other five metallic elements were detected in the water. The minerals are known to play essential roles in the healthy growth and development of children, particularly infants. The presence of the minerals in the water underscores the practice in Ikwerreland of giving new-born babies such water to drink, i.e. water in which Rhynchophorus phoenicislarva is immersed to make them grow healthier and stronger. Keywords: Infants, larva, metallic elements, Rhynchophorus phoenicis, traditional, water.